
XP Charity dig report

Once again our small metal detecting club raised another £150 for Macmillan cancer research,today’s charity dig was restricted to 15 XP club members

For only a small amount of people the finds rate conversion was fantastic, some Roman and hammered coins came up in nice condition the XP metal detectors worked really well on the sandy soil near to the River Thames.

XP metal detectors charity dig

The soil conditions provged to be quite difficult, one side of the field had very bad iron contamination and the other side had no iron but very sandy.
The Deus gave a lot of feedback, you could hear when the soil conditions changed.
The two popular programs today were the Fast site and the popular Hot program.

XP Deus fast site program
Here is just a very small selection of our finds

A fantastic day’s metal detecting with the Deus and thanks to all who contributed to this great charity

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