
XP Deus 1 to 1 training sessions

The XP Deus training sessions.

1 to 1 prices start from £70 for 4 hours (approx), we will supply an XP Deus for you to use if you do not own one.
Due to work commitments, weekends are preferred

1 to 1 training
The sessions will all be “in the field” based on real targets, designed to help you get the most out of the XP Deus.
Menu and Set up
Signal recognition
Tones and adjustments
Expert Features
Reading the field
Tips and Techniques…plus much more.

: Near High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, or we can visit you on your site’s (travelling fees will apply).

MDF Forum picture

Group Tuition
If you have a detecting club we can arrange for a visit on a club dig to talk with members and offer short 30 min Deus training sessions for members.
Gary from Gary’s detecting is an XP approved tutor
Contact Gary for more information and available dates.

XP Deus training sessions   XP Deus training


“Dear Gary,
I’ve spent the late afternoon compiling notes from our day in the field. I learned so much…What an opportunity it was to work closely with one of the main experts on the Deus — thanks so much for your kindness and the insights you shared. I have already begun recommending the training to the lads in my detecting club.

XP deus finds ancient coin
I’ve attached some photos to this email … would it be all right with you if I included them in my review of the day for the 1-on-1 thread on the forum?
Thanks again, and hope to see you again soon.


Hi Gary
Just a quick note to say thank you for a very enjoyable detector training session .It was quite a lot to take onboard all the different sounds from the different machines. The time flew and I couldn’t believe it was nearly 6pm when we finished. I was quite tired when i got back and caught the sun too!If you are up for it I would like to have another go with the same detector.RegardsJamie”

Just thought I’d touch base to let you know how much benefit I got from our one to one a few weeks ago.  I was on a dig at Aldermaston yesterday with the metal Detectives.  Drawing upon all the tips you passed onto me, I used your Hot program, got my head down and concentrated on my sweep speed/technique and identification of diggable signals.   It’s the first time that I’ve truly felt completely in sync with the Deus (all day long) and my reward was a nice Gold Quarter stater.   Using the Hot program and getting feedback from the Deus, I located all the little patches of iron and then grid searched them.  No surprise then that the stater was in one such iron patch.  I suppose the point I’m making is that if I had been using a different program and perhaps less tones, I would probably not have found it.  I actually think that I searched it out rather than then just haphazardly going over it.  So it’s a huge thanks once again for the tips and tricks you passed onto me.

 Regards John”
After having a recent Deus training session, I couldn’t do more than thoroughly recommend a detecting session with Gary.
Although I have owned my Deus for a couple of years now and attended a few club digs, generally I detect on my own and in gaining knowledge and tips, I have relied pretty much on being self taught through YouTube vids and reading round on the subject, via forums and magazine articles. So while I thought I was fairly competent with the Deus, particularly having used modified programmes such as Gary’s Hot or Cold. A 1 to 1 session helped to confirm to me that I was actually relatively competent i.e. I was holding the Deus the right way up for a start. But it also allowed me to ask lots of questions – tapping into Gary’s undoubted extensive practical and technical knowledge.I particularly wanted to understand why or how altering certain features within programmes, helped or hindered my detecting. So having Gary explain in layman’s terms why altering some expert settings fine-tuned the Deus in certain conditions really helped me and I’m sure that my find rate over time will increase.In summary, I would really recommend a 1 to 1 session, whether you are a beginner or like me someone relatively competent and who probably knew or could have researched parts of it but needed someone to explain the whole picture. Oh and if you haven’t met him, he is a decent bloke and easy to get on with too!  I will stop there as wouldn’t want to be accused of brown-nosing too much…Nick :D
The Deus training session was informative and damn helpful, so anyone that is going for a full training session will come away with a greater understanding of the deus and will give you more confidence when hunting on your own sites.You spend over a thousand pound on a great machine so for the small price of his one on one training session you will get the max out of the deus and unlock it’s full potential.I had around an hour with the deus and learnt a lot so four hours will be very rewarding.Don’t scratch your head… Give Gary a call as you won’t regret it.

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